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Amánung Ebreyu

Ibat king Wikipedia
(Miyalis direksiun manibat king Hebrew language)
עִבְרִית 'Ivrit 
Pronunciation: IPA: [ʔivˈrit] (standard Israeli), [ʕivˈɾit] (standard Israeli (Sephardi)), [ʕivˈriθ] (Oriental), [ˈivʀis] (Ashkenazi)
Magagamit king: Israel and other countries, including Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Canada, Sweden, France, Germany, Netherlands, Nigeria[citation needed], Russia, Jamaica[citation needed], Panama, United Kingdom, Mongolia[citation needed], United States, Uruguay and Zimbabwe. It has also served as the liturgical language of Judaism for over 3,500 years.
Total speakers: Extinct as a spoken language by the 4th century CE; Sephardi Hebrew revived in the 1880s, and now with around 7 million speakers[citation needed], (United States: 195,375).1

1United States Census 2000 PHC-T-37. Ability to Speak English by Language Spoken at Home: 2000. Table 1a.PDF (11.8 KiB)

Language family: Afro-Asiatic
  West Semitic
   Central Semitic
    Northwest Semitic
Writing system: Súlat Ebreyu 
Official status
Official language of:
Regulated by: Academy of the Hebrew Language
האקדמיה ללשון העברית(HaAqademia LaLashon Ha‘Ivrit)
Language codes
ISO 639-1: he
ISO 639-2: heb
ISO 639-3: either:
heb — Modern Hebrew
hbo — Ancient Hebrew

Ing Ebreyu (עִבְרִית, ‘Ivrit) metung yang Semitic amanu da reng Afro-Asiatic language family, ampong masasalita ya kareng maiggit pitung yutang katau king Israel ampong magagamit ya kareng pangadi o pamagaral kareng Jewish a communidad mabilug a yatu. King Israel, iti ing de factong amanu keng state ampo kareng malda, at makanyan mu ring bilang metung kareng aduang opisyal a amanu (kambe ning Arabic), ampong magagamit yang salita kareng keraklan da reng populasiun. Ing Hebrew iya mu rin ing magagamit a salita da reng Samaritans, agiang mo ngeni kulang lang libu deng mitagan a Samaritan. Bilang dayung amanu pagaralan de reng Ujew ampo reng magaral Judaism ampong Israel, archeologists ampong deng linguists at magpakadalubhasa keng Middle East at ding kayang civilisasiun ampo reng theologians.

Ding daleráyan[mag-edit | alilan ya ing pikuwanan]

  • Hoffman, Joel M, In the Beginning: A Short History of the Hebrew Language. New York: NYU Press. ISBN 0-8147-3654-8.
  • Izre'el, Shlomo, "The emergence of Spoken Israeli Hebrew", in: Benjamin Hary (ed.), The Corpus of Spoken Israeli Hebrew (CoSIH): Working Papers I (2001)
  • Kuzar, Ron, Hebrew and Zionism: A Discourse Analytic Cultural Study. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2001. ISBN 3-11-016993-2, ISBN 3-11-016992-4.
  • Sáenz-Badillos, Angel, A History of the Hebrew Language (trans. John Elwolde). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-55634-1
  • Laufer, Asher. "Hebrew", in: Handbook of the International Phonetic Association. Cambridge University Press 1999. ISBN 0-521-65236-7, ISBN 0-521-63751-1.

Ding suglung palaul[mag-edit | alilan ya ing pikuwanan]

Amánung Ebreyu a edisyon ning Wikipedia, ing timawang enciclopedia

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Heneral[mag-edit | alilan ya ing pikuwanan]

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Amlat[mag-edit | alilan ya ing pikuwanan]

Ding tekstu[mag-edit | alilan ya ing pikuwanan]

  • Mechon Mamre Archived Agostu 7, 2011 at the Wayback Machine - The Bible, Mishnah, Talmud (Babylonian and Palestinian), Tosefta, and Mishneh Torah
  • Early Hebrew Newspapers Archived Mayu 18, 2011 at the Wayback Machine Thousands of pages of mid- to late-19th-century and early 20th-century newspapers written in Hebrew and readable on line. Including contemporary accounts of the Battle of Gettysburg, the assassination of Czar Alexander II, the Dreyfus affair, etc.

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